
About Us


Floralogue Floral Design Studio

Floralogue = Flower + Dialogue = to speak with flowers

From the moment a plant is picked, a new journey is started.
Knowing how “to cut, to abandon and to leave” is also a lesson of life. We cherish every little flower, leaf and grass, trying to reveal the most beautiful side of everything.

Exclusive Florist – Karina

  • Dutch Flower Arrangement (DFA) certified florist
  • DFA Instructor
  • Floral Arrangement in Western Style Award (Section Winner and Class Winner), Hong Kong Flower Show 2024
  • dabbled in Japanese floral arrangement
  • surrounded by flowers, translations, two cats and two kids
  • believing life is persistent learning and exploration
  • speaking with heart and flowers

Contact Details




(+852) 9322 7000